Social Distancing Joy

Last week my husband and I had our three oldest kids deliver a bit of social distancing joy! My husband said I should title this image “Helicopter Parents 2020”, haha! I decided to go with more of the survival mode aspect. I have been in desperate need of my own personal stress relief and knew many of my loved ones did too! What better way to provide a bit of happiness with delicious Krispy Kreme doughnuts and a bit of humor?

On our delivery day we spread our social distancing joy to seven different homes. It was completely worth it to see the smiles on their faces and hear their laughter! Several people commented that our visit was desperately needed. Being able to chat for a bit after the delivery made life seem slightly normal amid the Covid-19 craziness.

Just as a note, I am not an obsessive helicopter parent as these pictures suggest! This was purely for humor purposes. After each delivery my kids ripped off that gear as fast as humanly possible!

Inside story: life is never Pinterest perfect

Unbeknownst to me, my husband and I tried suffocating our eldest daughter for the the first six houses we went to. Each time she put the gas mask on she would exclaim, “I can’t breath! How do you breath in this dad?” My husband, who is a cop and the gas mask is part of his work gear, would say, “What are you talking about? It’s super easy to breath in. You’re fine.” Then any further complaints (which were actually surprisingly few) we would chalk up to her being dramatic (like most twelve year old girls are).

Right before our final delivery she complained a lot more than usual and my husband finally slid the mask on himself. He silently removed the mask and twisted off the filter. A muffled laugh lined with a speck of guilt escaped his lips, barely audible. I watched as he popped off a cap on the filter and then screwed the filter back on the mask.

“Have we been suffocating our daughter all this time?” I asked horrified.

My husband laughed and said to my daughter, “How in the world have you been breathing in that thing? That was aweful!”

Parents of the year award, right here.

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Are you still trying to maintain social distancing? Check out our Daily Quarantine Challenges free printable. It is designed to be fun, productive, and give hope!

The Notorious Cooking Spray

Did I wait 30 min for my grocery pickup today? Yes.

Did the Walmart worker drop the cooking spray and break it’s lid? Yes.

Did he then come to my drivers side window and spray it into the air to prove it still works. Yes.

Did the wind blow the cooking spray into my car and all over my face and glasses? Yes.

Did I still keep the cooking spray with no lid when he asked if I still wanted it? Yes- yes I did.

I found this little gem in my Facebook history. It was something I wrote about a year ago and it still makes me laugh! I remember this day all too well! Let me give you a little back story; this day had already been horrible! I was in a bad mood (no, I’m not perfect!) While waiting for our groceries, my kids had escalated to full on screaming fits. I was desperate to get my groceries and go home.

Then the Walmart associate sprayed me in the face.


I could have gotten angry. I could have yelled. I could have even cried. My personalty is more of the type to stay silent and let my anger simmer. However, none of these things happened. I don’t know why, but the exact opposite came to be. This event actually cheered me up! I was able to find the humor despite all the negative leading up to this moment.

It reminds me of one of my favorite quotes:

“The only way to get through life is to laugh your way through it. You either have to laugh or cry. I prefer to laugh. Crying gives me a headache.”

Marjorie Pay Hinckley

I hope we can all find the humor in life. Especially when we are in a bad mood!

Oh, and for the record… There ain’t no way I was giving that cooking spray back. I had already paid for it! I wasn’t about to send the worker back into the depths of Walmart to fetch a new one while my children assaulted my ears with their war cries. Nope, I took that sucker home and it still worked just as well without a lid.

Would you have kept the cooking spray? No judgement! I’m just curious, I’ve had several people tell me they were shocked that I kept it. Comment below and tell me if you would or wouldn’t have kept it.

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